
PLan your trip

Drive through a working New Zealand Farm, feed goats, donkeys, pigs, and miniature horses, enjoy iconic views or picnic with friends and family. Check out the locations of many significant movies filmed here, in particular The Lord of the Rings.

Book your ticket online with your dedicated vehicle to access the toll gate upon entry and exit. Deer Park Heights is 4km on the left along Peninsula Road, Kelvin Heights. 

Bring a picnic and your camera and spend the day enjoying this spectacular location. It’s important to us that guests can experience Deer Park Heights with its uniqueness, so we exclude commercial activities, limit vehicles to a maximum of 8 seats, and prohibit walking or cycling.  

See, feed & Stroll


Tickets are booked online and valid for single use on your chosen travel date. You must be travelling in a passenger vehicle and be a confident driver.  

Park Hours

Open 7 days a week between 7 am – 9 pm.

Admission Cost

$75 Per vehicle with a maximum of 8 passengers. Please bring a NZ $2 Coin if you wish to feed the animals. 


It’s up to you, take as long as you want, spend an hour or a whole day enjoy this spectacular location. Your access code is for single vehicle use only. 

Access is limited to passenger vehicles with a maximum of 8 seats; this includes campervans. Strictly no commercial activity including photography/weddings/events, tour guides, Ubers, taxis and private drivers. Please view all our terms and conditions of the park here


Before submitting a contact form, please check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below—many common questions are explained below! 


For the quickest response, use the form below or email us directly at

What if I don't have my car's REGO yet?

If your renting a car, you must wait until you have your vehicle registration plate and make and Model before you book. Access to Deer Park is via Vehicle number plate cameras at the toll gate.

Bookings are open 30 days before the date. This is to provide everyone with an equal opportunity to visit.

We have upgraded our entry toll gate to a vehicle recognition entry system. A camera will read your car’s registration and open the gate upon one entry and one exit. 


For your booking to work, you must ensure your REGO is correct for your online booking. To check or update your REGO, follow the steps below: 


  1. Log in to our booking system


  1. Navigate to Upcoming bookings Via the three dots on the right of the screen …

  2. Scroll down and update your license plate.

  3. Click Save booking 


You must do this yourself, so please do not email or call to ask for your license number updated before you arrive.

Unfortunately, if the website says Sold out, we are Sold Out. There is a maximum of 80 cars each day to limit traffic. Our website has LIVE availability, so please do not call or email to ask.

We only permit vehicles with 8 seats and under. It doesn’t matter if there are only 8 people in the car. Unfortunately, we cannot allow access.

Yes! You need to cancel your booking and rebook for another date to reschedule. You need to do this yourself by logging back into the booking system here:

Navigate to “Upcoming Bookings”
Select “Details”
Scroll down and Select “Cancel Booking”.
You must do this before 6 pm on the day you have booked.

Yes! You need to do this yourself by logging back into the booking system here:

Navigate to “Upcoming Bookings”
Select “Details”
Scroll down and Select “Cancel Booking”.
You must do this before 5 pm on the day you have booked.

Please note our closing time when booking; when we close, the gate is locked, and you will incur an automatic overstaying fee of $100.

Autumn: April (after daylight savings) to May (8 am – 6 pm)
Winter: June to August (8 am – 6 pm)
Spring: September to November (8 am – 7 pm)
Summer: December to March (7 am – 9 pm)

You must have a rental vehicle or personal vehicle to visit. Due to prior issues with overcharging guests, we do not allow Taxis, Ubers, Tour companies or Tour guides to visit our property.

Unless you buy your ticket through our official website, your ticket will be invalid, and you will be refused entry. We do not allow agents or operators to book tickets on behalf of guests. This is due to our H&S operations and qualifies for legal action against anyone who does this.

You will incur an automatic fee of $100 if you stay past closing time. 

This violates the terms of your booking. We require everyone to be off our property when we close. Please manage your time well. 

Yes! You can purchase a tin of sheep nuts from one of the two green dispensers along the road for $2.00 NZ (coin only). You can feed various animals, including pigs, goats, donkeys, and miniature horses. Please note:

  • Hard antler Animals: Do Not Approach, feed or leave your vehicle near them.

  • Goats: Exit your vehicle and walk away from it to feed the goats. You risk your car getting scratched, and liability is at your own. Your insurer may not cover your “no excess policy”.

  • Do not hand-feed the animals; throw the nuts near them and allow them to approach. You must get out of your vehicle while feeding, and remember that animals respond best to the sound of rattling the nuts in the tin. Unless you are in the Exit block with signposts saying” Do Not Exit Your Car.”

You can log back into our website to receive your code anytime.

Log in to

Navigate to “Upcoming Bookings”

Select “Details”


To visit Deer Park Heights, you must head to our website to book. Select the day you would like to travel and follow the steps.

When you book online, you will receive an back up access code in a text and email confirmation, this is single use only. Please bring the code to enter at the toll gate upon arrival and exit.

You need to have a car to visit; we do not allow walking or biking access. Please bring a NZ$2 coin so you can feed the animals. Ensure you leave your pets at home and limit passengers to 8 seats. Learn more here.

You can call the duty manager on 0508 333 775 if you require help.

As you drive up the road, purchase a tin of sheep nuts (NZ $2.00 coin) from one of the two green sheep nut dispensers. Stop to feed the pigs, goats, donkeys, and miniature horses as you see them.

There are some tame deer you can throw food too. While we try to keep the animals nearby, they can wander off, particularly during the hot summer days. The animals respond to rattling the nuts in the tin; it may take some time for them to come.

When feeding the animals, throw food near them and watch children around crowding animals. You must get out of the car to feed the animals. Please do not approach animals with hard antlers. View our interactive map here.

We have decided to keep Deer Park Heights open to the public with limited to No commercial activity to preserve the experience.

We do allow a limited amount of commercial activity for small weddings and photos. If you would like to request approval, please email This is not permitted on the $55 entry price.

Access is limited to vehicles with no more than 8 seats, including children. Strictly NO commercial operators, minivans, taxis, buses or commercial activity (trespass notices and fines enforced via wheel clamping).

2WD and 4WD drive cars can travel up to the summit. Campervans and Motorhomes are permitted.

Find us

Deer Park Heights is a short 20min drive from Queenstown, the entrance is 4km down Peninsula Road, Kelvin Heights. 


We Provide

  • The animals and food pellets which you can purchase to feed the animals.
  • An easy 20 minute walk around the summit.
  • Designated picnic spots including several alpine tarns.
  • A map of the park.

You need to bring

  • A vehicle to access the property 
  • Your pre-booked access code to enter at the gate
  • Suitable clothing and footwear to explore the park
  • Camera
  • A picnic if you desire!
  • A NZ $2 coin to purchase animal pellets – $2 for a large tin

Opening Hours

7 am – 9 pm

7 days a week 

Park Map

View our interactive map 

Book Online

$75 per car
For vehicles with up to 8 seats only

Explore our farm

Our Wildlife

Lord of the rings


The Stags in the enclosure are male Red Deers. The Stags impressive antlers are structures of display and are used for combat in the mating season. A Stags dominance is primarily determined on body size and antler size. Stags have an annual growth cycle of antlers which starts in spring and can grow up to 2cm a day. At the end of the rutting season (autumn) the antlers drop off, and they develop a new pair of antlers every year from bony outgrowths called pedicles at the top of the skull. Do not attempt to feed or approach these animals. 


The Stags in the enclosure are male Red Deers. The Stags impressive antlers are structures of display and are used for combat in the mating season. A Stags dominance is primarily determined on body size and antler size. Stags have an annual growth cycle of antlers which starts in spring and can grow up to 2cm a day. At the end of the rutting season (autumn) the antlers drop off, and they develop a new pair of antlers every year from bony outgrowths called pedicles at the top of the skull. Do not attempt to feed or approach these animals. 


Donkeys are the friendliest of our mammals at Deer Park, they love sheep nuts and a scratch on the head. You may see a family of Donkeys as well as some larger horses which are Mules. The Mules are a mixture of a Miniature horse and Donkey, the perfect mix! Donkeys are known for their intelligence. A donkey will stop and assess a new situation and think about its choices before making a decision on what action to take. These Donkeys are very friendly and will let you feed them by hand.